Cupar schools start '˜Park and Stride'

Park and stride.Park and stride.
Park and stride.
Children from two Cupar schools have taken part in a project to promote active travel to school.

The kids, from Castlehill and St Columba’s RC primary schools, have been working in partnership with Active Schools, Tesco, and Fife Council’s transportation service on the scheme.

The schools have worked with Tesco to create a new park and stride option for local parents.

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The initiative encourages parents to park in the Tesco car park and walk their children to school.

Children at Castlehill Primary School have additionally been piloting a reward card system which offers opportunities for house points each time the park and stride is used.

Lynne MacKenzie, Active Schools Coordinator said: “The park and stride is a great idea, enabling us to ease congestion at the school gate as well as promoting physical activity on the journey to school.”