MSP calls for action over drop in operations at Fife hospitals

Alexander Stewart MSPAlexander Stewart MSP
Alexander Stewart MSP
A Fife MSP is seeking assurances that vital operations will be carried out in the region’s hospitals.

Alexander Stewart’s comments came as new figures showed only 3000 surgeries were carried out between April and September - significantly down on the average of 8600 between 2016 and 2019.

Mr Stewart, (Conservative, Mid Scotland & Fife) said patients could not be forgotten about while the focus was on tackling the Kingdom’s rising COVID figures.

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He called on the Holyrood government to urgently ensure that NHS Fife and frontline staff are given the full resources to ensure patients receive urgent clarification as to whether their operations are able to go ahead or not.

Mr Stewart said: “While we must do we all we can to tackle the rise in COVID cases, the SNP must ensure that NHS Fife patients from right across the region who are waiting for vital operations are not just simply forgotten about.”

He added: “It is of great concern that a potential of almost 5,000 operations will have been cancelled or put on hold in the last six months.

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“The SNP must ensure that NHS Fife and frontline staff are given the urgent resources necessary to ensure that procedures can take place wherever possible.

“As we head into winter, waiting times for operations in my regions and across Scotland as a whole must not be allowed to spiral out of control.”

NHS Fife stats:

April-September 2020- 3,306 operations

Average operations in April-September between 2016-2019 8,296

Potential missed operations- 4,990

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