Residents turn out for care home discussion

Residents have made their feelings known about the plans for Bankie Park.Residents have made their feelings known about the plans for Bankie Park.
Residents have made their feelings known about the plans for Bankie Park.
More than 60 people attended a meeting in Anstruther last week to hear plans to replace Ladywalk Care Home.

Fife Health & Social Care Partnership and Fife Council has announced Bankie Park as the preferred site for the replacement home – a choice which has been heavily criticised in the area, with more than 1000 people signing a petition calling for the park to be saved.

At the Anstruther Community Council meeting, local residents were given a presentation on the site options.

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A decision was also made to extend the public consultation until August 31, giving people more time to access information.

The three councillors, John Docherty, Linda Holt and Bill Porteous commented after the meeting: “We were delighted to see so many people turn out for the beginning of the consultation. Bankie Park is a much-loved place for families and children, and it is particularly precious in an area which has been designated as lacking adequate green space.

“There are many questions still to be answered about possible options, and we look forward to Fife Council answering these questions and further engaging with the community.”

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