Calls for discussions over Queensferry Crossing traffic issues

Queensferry Crossing. Pic: Lisa Ferguson.Queensferry Crossing. Pic: Lisa Ferguson.
Queensferry Crossing. Pic: Lisa Ferguson.
Fife councillors have raised concerns over the ongoing traffic problems at the Queensferry Crossing.

At the south and west Fife area committee on Wednesday, Conservative councillors proposed a motion that would see representatives from Transport Scotland, Fife Council transportation services and any relevant sub-contractors invited to the committee to discuss concerns.

At the meeting, Councillor Dave Dempsey said: “There are two elements to this, the first being that congestion forms too frequently on the crossing, and it seems to be getting worse.

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“I’m reminded of the days where North Queensferry school wasn’t able to function because not enough teachers could get to the school due to the traffic.

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“More specifically there are a lot of complaints that the B981 is an inferior road, so many people are avoiding that, adding to the congestion.

“It’s not good, and we ought to find out what the situation is and what we can do about it.”

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It was seconded by Councillor Dave Coleman, who said: “It might even be worthwhile looking into seeing if the old bridge can be used for crossings at certain points of the day.”

SNPs Councillor David Barratt said he would have no objection into asking someone to come along and talk to the committee, adding: “Don’t forget the bridge was built as a replacement, not to increase capacity. Edinburgh councils lobbied not to make it a three lane bridge as they didn’t want any increase in capacity of cars coming in.”

Convener of the committee Alice McGarry agreed, saying: “The old bridge currently isn’t being used as the new one was built as a replacement for something that needed replaced.

“It needs a lot of work, however, that’s something that also needs to be looked into. It will have to get done eventually.”

All councillors agreed to approve the motion.

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