Extra police patrols after drugs problems in Fife park

PC Ross Masterton with community sergeant Jimmy Adamson. Pics by George McLuskiePC Ross Masterton with community sergeant Jimmy Adamson. Pics by George McLuskie
PC Ross Masterton with community sergeant Jimmy Adamson. Pics by George McLuskie
Police in Kirkcaldy are appealing to parents to check where their children are going this weekend, after three youngsters ended up in hospital after taking an LSD type drug.

And they say they will be laying on extra patrols to visit the Ravenscraig Park area after groups in excess of 50 young people, from all over Fife, converged on the park last weekend,

Officers attended a disturbance at the park on Friday night involving a large number of youths.

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Three teenage females took unwell and attended the Victoria Hospital for treatment. All three were discharged afterwards.

Extra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekendExtra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekend
Extra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekend

A 17-year-old male was arrested and charged and appeared at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Monday.

Sergeant Jimmy Adamson of Kirkcaldy Police Station said: “We are determined to tackle anti-social behaviour, youth disorder and drug misuse in Kirkcaldy.

“This type of behaviour is totally unacceptable and we will increase our patrols in the area for the foreseeable future.

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“It is difficult to tackle incidents like this because it is a public park and if we move the young people on then we are just moving the problem on to another area.

Extra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekendExtra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekend
Extra patrols will be put on in the Ravenscraig Park area at the weekend

“That’s why we want to appeal to parents for their support in dealing with this. We are asking them to check where their children are going and what they are doing and point out to them the dangers of taking drugs.

“As well as the extra patrols we’re also working with Clued Up, who provide substance misuse support and information for under 25s, Raith Rovers Football Club and Fife Council’s detached youth workers in an attempt to encourage positive choices and deliver diversion activities.”

This latest development follows on from an incident at a Kirkcaldy secondary school recently when a 14-year-old boy took ill and was rushed to hospital.

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After the event a drug alert was sent out to parents and guardians of children from all four of the town’s high schools warning that purple-coloured pills could be in circulation and anyone who had taken them should seek medical attention.