Lesley Laird MP gets key new role in Scottish Labour

Pic: John DevlinPic: John Devlin
Pic: John Devlin
Lesley Laird has been appointed interim deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party.

The Kirkcaldy MP takes over from fellow Fife politician, Alex Rowley MSP, who has decided not to return to the position after stepping aside to allow an investigation into allegations made against him by a former partner.

That process has now ended without any finding after, it has been reported, the woman concerned did not allow a statement outlining her complaints to be shared with Mr Rowley in order for him to respond.

The MSP denied the allegations.

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Richard Leonard, the new Scottish Labour leader, has now appointed Ms Laird as interim deputy leader.

In our sister newspaper, The Scotsman, Mr Leonard said: “I have spoken to Alex and for the sake of his family he has decided to step down from this important role.

‘‘He informs me that it is a decision he made some time ago.

‘‘He is a loyal and experienced member of the Labour Group in the Scottish Parliament and will continue to play a part in rebuilding the Labour Party in Scotland.”

Mr Rowley he was pleased that the investigation had been discharged, but expressed his disappointment the panel was unable to fully investigate and allow him the opportunity to an answer.

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