Major project to improve Glenrothes play areas approved

Allotments are to be constructed in Glenwood.Allotments are to be constructed in Glenwood.
Allotments are to be constructed in Glenwood.
Glenrothes Area Committee approved plans last week to spend more than £300,000 on improving play areas and creating allotments in Glenrothes.

The £260,000 play area project will “improve and remove” play facilities in the Glenrothes area.

The aim of the project is to maximise the impact by taking away old and damaged equipment and replace it with new, durable equipment.

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Allotments are also to be created in Glenwood, making use of spare land.

As well as 39 allotments, there will also be growing spaces and a community orchard.

Councillor Fiona Grant, chair of the Glenrothes Area Committee, said: “We are delighted to approve this significant funding for projects that will enable local people across the age spectrum to get out and be active.

“Both the play areas and the allotments will provide activities that are good for physical health and mental well-being.

“I’m looking forward to visiting them when they are up and running to see the fruits of everyone’s labour on the allotments and the fun families are having at the play areas.”

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