New housing plans a 'potential nightmare' for Fife villagers says MP

The original three site applications attracted thousands of objections from residents.The original three site applications attracted thousands of objections from residents.
The original three site applications attracted thousands of objections from residents.
A Fife MP has warned of a 'potential nightmare' for Aberdour residents if proposals to build a total of 290 homes are to be given the go ahead.

Plans to build 125 new homes at Hillside, thrown out by Fife Council in February, have been resubmitted with agents Felsham Planning and Development Limited hving presented revised a revised proposal to the public this week.

The move follows both Cala Homes and Campion Homes’ appeals to the Scottish Government over similar planning refusals for two other sites in the village.

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Cala wants to build 85 homes off Main Street, while Campion submitted a proposal for 80 houses to be built at Nether Bouprie Farm.

Collectively, the three planning applications attracted thousands of objections from residents.

Leslie Laird, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, said: “This could turn into a potential nightmare for residents if they are to be given the green light.

“Aberdour could theoretically end up with three plans being granted which would fundamentally change the whole character and dynamic of the village.

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“Initially there were three proposals – Hillside, Cala and Campion – and only Hillside satisfied criteria set out in the local plan.

“Since then we’ve seen Cala and Campion continue to press ahead with their proposals, despite the fact that both developments don’t adhere to local plan guidelines.

“I would urge the reporter to not renege on an original plan, which was democratically agreed.

“They can’t possibly grant permission to Cala and Campion, otherwise it makes a mockery of the Fife planning process and simply reinforces the reasons why people have no faith in that process.

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The Cala development was recommended for approval by council planners, while Campion’s plan for refusal, however, councillors knocked back both applications.

Both companies have argued the plans would have a significant positive impact on the shortfall of new homescurrently being built in Fife.

Steven Cooper, Planning Manager with CALA Homes (East), said: “There is a recognised critical shortage of homes across Fife.

“The people at the sharp end and who lose out most here are existing local people who want to remain in the village but cannot find a home – as well as those on the waiting lists, who are in desperate housing need.”

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