New travel plan to help keep Kirkcaldy pupils safe

From left: PC Kinga Miskiewicz, Robyn Stephen, Mrs Smith, PC Mark cCulloch and senior pupils launch the Travel Plan. Pic by Fife Photo AgencyFrom left: PC Kinga Miskiewicz, Robyn Stephen, Mrs Smith, PC Mark cCulloch and senior pupils launch the Travel Plan. Pic by Fife Photo Agency
From left: PC Kinga Miskiewicz, Robyn Stephen, Mrs Smith, PC Mark cCulloch and senior pupils launch the Travel Plan. Pic by Fife Photo Agency
Pupils at a Kirkcaldy primary have launched a new travel plan which they hope will help keep them safe on their way to and from school.

As part of the plan, parents who drop youngsters off for school are being urged to observe a Park and Walk scheme where they drop off and collect them from the car park at the Overton Community Centre to avoid congestion in Macindoe Crescent which has been a problem area for years.

Parents have been asked to park their vehicles in the car park then walk their children to the gates via the school crossing then allow them to walk from the school gate to the school and vice versa.

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Children will be walked up to the school gates, led by the school’s Travel Action Group (TAG) with banners and songs.

The group of seven senior pupils worked with Susan Smith, principal teacher, and Robyn Stephen, travel plan co-ordinator with Fife Council, on the new travel plan which included tackling the issues of congestion and inconsiderate parking.

Mrs Smith explained: “We hadn’t had a new plan for quite a while and it took us 2½ years to complete it.”

The group looked at every aspect of travel, from buses to walking and cycling, and those getting dropped off, drawing up maps of the various routes to school, with speed limits and traffic calming measures.

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“The biggest problem was with children getting dropped off and the number of cars trying to fit into our small car park. This meant that many were parking in Macindoe Crescent causing lots of problems with congestion.

“We had lots of complaints from residents as well as some dangerous parking which meant that on one occasion when an ambulance was called for a medical emergency it couldn’t get into the street.

“That’s why we came up with this Park and Walk scheme which we hope will help to keep everyone safe.”

The Travel Plan and Park and Walk scheme was launched at a special assembly attended by around 50 parents and residents on Monday, and has been going well so far.

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