Baby of the week: Kaleb Hunter

Kaleb HunterKaleb Hunter
Kaleb Hunter
Kaleb Alexander Scott Hunter was born on April 5, 2019 at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy at 8.51pm, weighing 5lbs 2oz.

The parents...

Kyle Hunter and Sinead Mcluckie

The pregnancy...

Mum said the pregnancy was good up until 35 weeks when she experienced a lot of reduced movements and ended up being induced. He was born one week early.

The name...

The name Kaleb was from a television programme mum Sinead used to watch.

The proud grandparents...

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Charlotte and Scott Hunter and the late Evelyn Mcluckie and Alexander Mcluckie.


Mum and dad would like to thank all the staff who helped bring their baby into the world, as well as their families and friends who helped in the last few weeks of the pregnancy.

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