Baby of the Week - Lexi McGuigan

Baby of the Week - Lexi Lynn McGuigan was born at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy on April 6 at 2.24pm weighing 6lb 16 oz.Baby of the Week - Lexi Lynn McGuigan was born at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy on April 6 at 2.24pm weighing 6lb 16 oz.
Baby of the Week - Lexi Lynn McGuigan was born at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy on April 6 at 2.24pm weighing 6lb 16 oz.
Meet our Baby of the Week Lexi McGuigan.

The parents...

Donna and Stuart McGuigan

The pregnancy...

Donna was induced on the Thursday and Lexi arrived on the Saturday nearly two weeks late.

The name...

Dad Stuart and big sister Megan chose her name after she didn’t suit any of the names mum and dad had previously chosen.

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Lexi loves to eat and sleep but most of all she loves to listen and follow her sister’s voice when she talks.

The very proud grandparents...

Lexi’s very proud nanny is Ann Davidson.

Any thanks you’d like to give...

Donna would like to thank her sister Lynn for all the help and encouragement through Lexi’s birth, her mum for all the help with Megan whilst she was in hospital and all the midwives and doctors at the Victoria Hospital.

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