Maggie’s Fife Ladies’ Lunch raises over £30,000

Maggie's Ladies Lunch had more than 280 guests.Maggie's Ladies Lunch had more than 280 guests.
Maggie's Ladies Lunch had more than 280 guests.
Oriental was the theme of this year’s sell-out Maggie’s Ladies Lunch at the Old Course Hotel, St Andrews at the weekend.

Sponsored by Smith Anderson and Blackadders Solicitors, the event saw 280 guests enjoy a fundraising afternoon hosted by comedian Fred MacAulay. There was a beautiful display of oriental attire as the ladies arrived on vintage buses provided by Stagecoach.

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A drinks reception was provided by Tayport Distillery which designed an oriental cocktail, the room décor was provided by the Pretty Amazing Catering Company and Enchanted Events transformed the Hall of Champions at the Old Course Hotel with blossom trees, red lanterns, gold chair ties and orchids, while K2 Marketing provided the programmes.

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And the lunch was very successful, raising £31,600, for Maggie’s with a host of activities including a raffle where one lucky guest won a holiday for two to Thailand for seven nights, donated by Travel your World and Qatar Air.

Alison Allan, centre head, said: “This was another fabulous event for the Fife community to come together to have fun to support those affected by cancer.”

Stella Bonnar, who spoke on the day said: “I have found the support at Maggie’s priceless.”