More Fife Council services resume

More Fife Council services are resumingMore Fife Council services are resuming
More Fife Council services are resuming
The latest changes to some Fife Council services

Many council services are beginning to reopen – though it won’t exactly be business as usual with social distancing rules still in place.

From today (Monday) the local authority will begin registering births once again and some weddings and civil partnerships can take place with restrictions.

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An increase in numbers attending funerals will also be permitted.

The changes come as Scotland continues with the easing of lockdown restrictions.

Fife Council is opening some of its registration offices this week to help clear the backlog of registrations for new births.

However this is strictly by appointment only with times available to book on allocated dates depending on when your baby was born during the lockdown period.

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For now, the normal 21-day time frame for in-person registration of births remains suspended.

While the number of people allowed to attend funeral services at the Kingdom’s crematoria and cemetery will increase from six to 20.

Physical distancing rules remain in place and Fife Council is urging mourners to follow the guidance to help protect themselves, loved ones, council staff, funeral directors, officiants and organists.

The move, which follows Scottish Government guidelines, will allow bereaved families to have a chance to hold larger ceremonies to celebrate the lives of their loved one.

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The interment of cremated remains in cemeteries and the scattering of cremated remains with family in attendance at crematorium gardens will be resuming.

From today, marriage and civil partnership ceremonies can take place outdoors with up to a maximum of eight people, from three households, and observing physical distancing measures.

This is to allow the parties, who may not be part of the same household prior to marriage, and the witnesses to attend.

The registrar, minister, priest, celebrant or any necessary interpreter are not included in the limitation.

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