Plenty to celebrate as Glenrothes girls take a leap for cancer charity

Jasmine and Jade get ready to take the plunge.Jasmine and Jade get ready to take the plunge.
Jasmine and Jade get ready to take the plunge.
A young woman from Glenrothes celebrated her 19th birthday and being two years in remission from leukaemia in some style.

Last month, Jade Dowie and her best friend Jasmine Doyle completed a tandem bungee jump for LoveOliver.

And, not only did the selfless pair take the plunge – they managed to raise the amazing sum of £621 at the same time!

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In 2016 Jade received the shock news with a diagnosis that she had leukaemia. Two long years of harrowing treatment followed in addition to a bone marrow transplant.

Now, Jade is two years cancer free and doing great, but felt she wanted to give something back to a charity very close to her heart, and which provided a huge amount of support to her and her family throughout her treatment, LoveOliver, which funds vital research into childhood cancer and provides a range of invaluable practical support to families affected by it.

So, off the pair trundled to Perthshire for their tandem bungee jump on July 26 at Killiecrankie, courtesy of Highland Fling Bungee.

The jump was self-funded by the girls so all the money raised will be donated to LoveOliver to help them continue their important work.

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The charity is having a very special event on Saturday, November 2, with a fundraising dinner at Murrayfield.

Tickets are £45 per person which includes welcome drink, three-course meal and entertainment, and can be obtained via the LoveOliver website.