Trades unionists to mark Workers’ Memorial Day in Kirkcaldy

Workers' Memorial Day at Beveridge Park (Pic: George McLuskie)Workers' Memorial Day at Beveridge Park (Pic: George McLuskie)
Workers' Memorial Day at Beveridge Park (Pic: George McLuskie)
Trades unionists will hold their annual Workers’ Memorial Day event in Kirkcaldy this weekend.

It takes place on Saturday morning in Beveridge Park.

The event is organised by Fife Trades Union Council in conjunction with the STUC to commemorate, and remember, all those who have lost their lives at work or through industrial deceases, such as asbestosis.

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Members and politicians will gather at the memorial tree in the park at 11:00 am, followed by refreshments in the KUSI club.

Tam Kirby, who chairs Fife TUC, said “According to the latest HSE report, 1.4 million working people are suffering from a work-related illness, with 2,595 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures and 144 workers killed at work. Nobody in 2019 should go to work and not return home due to a breakdown in health and safety standards”

“Every year we meet in Beveridge park, with our MPs, MSPs, councillors and other trade unionists to remember those who have lost their lives in this country and across the world.”

Fife TUC invites everyone to come to this memorial event to raise awareness of the issues faced by workers.

The event is open to all to attend.

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