Councillors hail Kirkcaldy Ambitions project a success

Cllr Neil Crooks outside New Volunteer House. Pic credit:  Fife Photo AgencyCllr Neil Crooks outside New Volunteer House. Pic credit:  Fife Photo Agency
Cllr Neil Crooks outside New Volunteer House. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency
The '˜Time For Action' plan as part of the wider Kirkcaldy Ambitions project has been hailed a success by the town's area committee.

Councillors were quick to praise the completion of a number of target goals including phase three of Kirkcaldy High Street works, the re-opening of Charlotte Street, the refurbishment of New Volunteer House, the redesign of the Town Square and Heritage Centre and improved parking facilities in the Esplanade multi-storey car park, which have all benefited the town in recent years.

“There’s no doubt that it has been a challenging time for Kirkcaldy town centre in recent years,” said cllr Carol Lindsay, vice convener of the committee.

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“The plan has steered us through the last five years and it’s pleasing to take account of the number of completed projects in the plan.”

“In 2018 we’ll see construction work begin on the much anticipated redesign of the Esplanade carriageway and other waterfront projects developed.

“The second phase of the War Memorial Gardens improvement works will be carried out and we’re committed to exploring other town centre parking options as the current trial draws to a close.”

Bill Harvey, manager of Kirkcaldy 4 All, said: “The Kirkcaldy’s Ambition Partnership is an excellent example of collaborative working.

“The challenges facing both the town centre and wider Kirkcaldy district would be almost impossible for Fife Council to overcome on its own.”