Fife Flyers build round a returning Ryan Dingle

Fife Flyers - Ryan DingleFife Flyers - Ryan Dingle
Fife Flyers - Ryan Dingle
Fans' favourite, Ryan Dingle, is coming back to Fife Flyers for a second season.

The centre ice is the first player to put pen to paper for the 2016-17 season.

Dingle was high on the list of players the fans wanted to see back in a gold, white and blue jersey after establishing himself as the engine room of the team that battled to the play-off finals weekend in Nottingham.

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He netted 22 goals for Flyers in his first season in the EIHL, but it was his workmrate and commitment that made him a stand-out player on the team, and in the dressing-room.

And the player admits he is looking forward to kitting up again in August.

Dingle said: ‘‘My family and I are so excited about returning to Fife for a second season.”

“Last season turned out to be a little bitter-sweet for us on the ice. I feel like there is unfinished business to take care of. ‘‘

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Dingle wants the team to build on its success of last season - and make a real push for honours.

‘‘Being so close to winning the conference title and making it to the playoff finals weekend last season is only the beginning,’’ he said.

“We play this game to win and it’s important to use the losses from last season as motivation for next season’s success.”

“I’m thrilled to be a part of the Flyers organisation and I’m looking forward to an even more successful season this year.”

Todd Dutiaume, head coach, has said he wants to retain the core of last season’s team but expects a few retirals and a few players to move on to pastures new.