A perfect Christmas gift for little Mya

Mya pictured with her family; Ellie (12), dad Malcom, mum Kerry and little Malaki (3) Pic: George McLuskieMya pictured with her family; Ellie (12), dad Malcom, mum Kerry and little Malaki (3) Pic: George McLuskie
Mya pictured with her family; Ellie (12), dad Malcom, mum Kerry and little Malaki (3) Pic: George McLuskie
A Largo girl with additional needs received the perfect present just in time for Christmas.

Little Mya Ironside (7) lives with a number of conditions – autism, epilepsy, an undiagnosed neurological condition that causes the symptoms of a stroke down her right side, vision issues and hyper-mobility.

Recently her parents and her school, Lundin Mill Primary, made the decision that Mya should spend one school day a week at home. Her parents, Kerry Hutchison and Malcolm Ironside, created a fundraising page to purchase a £400 iPad that would help her learn and keep an online scrapbook so staff could see her progress at home.

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Kerry was amazed when that target was met days before Christmas.

She said: “People are still donating. I think people with kids with difficulties can feel alone. This is the most support and love we’ve felt in a long time.

“I’m over the moon. This will be great for her education. It is a wonderful present that people have donated.”

The target was reached when Steve McLean, a friend who trained under Malcolm, donated £150, before going back to push the sum over the £400 target.

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Kerry explained that the iPad would be a much-needed boost for Mya.

“Life isn’t easy for Mya,” she said. “Every day there is something that she struggles with. But the iPad will make it easier to educate her.

“It can be used as a visual aid and there are the apps she’ll be able to use. It will be a massive help.”

Kerry commended Lundin Mill Primary for doing an excellent job with Mya, noting that her teachers made her a little art box for when she is struggling to cope and a card with a smiley/sad face so she can express how she is feeling.

However, school is not an easy experience for Mya.

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Kerry said: “It’s hard. She’s really struggling with literacy – they don’t know if she’s dyslexic or not.

“Anything unexpected makes her really upset, so she struggles to take part in special days.

“Spending one school day at home will break up her week and bring her learning environment to somewhere that can make her comfortable.”

While the target has been met, thanks to friends, anonymous contributors and local businesses, including Stuart’s, which donated £100, more is still being donated – Agenda and The Windsor in Leven have also pledged donations.

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Kerry explained that the extra funds will be put to good use: “We can put money into an account for things that Mya needs – if she needs extra therapies or a sensory blanket. Anything that might help.”

You can donate at www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/myasipad.

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