Review: The true joy of Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer

Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer posterTae Sup Wi' A Fifer poster
Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer poster
One of the true joys of James' Yorkston's Tae Sup Wi' A Fifer evenings is discovering new artists - songwriters, solo performers and bands.

The line-ups are curated to complement the headliners, and bring the audience something new, something different.

While Saturday’s full house came to see Del Amitri frontman Justin Currie in a rare solo acoustic gig, they all left after warming to the voice of Nell Ní Chróinín.

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Her set of sean-nós singing - unaccompanied, traditional Irish singing - was captivating. You could have heard a pin drop as her voice filled the Beveridge Suite, with the lightest of audience participation in the choruses most accessible in the traditional songs.

There was also a wonderful set from Galway-based singer and artist, Brigid Mae Power - another new name to Fife audiences.

Along with Justin they’d all taken to the stage after a condensed, sound check due to some technical issues.

All overcame any tech issues to contribute to a night rich in quality and entertainment.

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Justin Currie delivered a set that mixed his solo work with some choice cuts from Del Amitri’s back catalogue.

With the digital release of his debut album What Is Love For, recorded a decade ago and now very much in hand, he dusted off the title track – a glorious break up number, the sort of emotional turmoil he captures so perfectly - and went on to take requests from his band’s catalogue.

Drowned On Dry Land, a rattling Nothing Ever Happens, a stripped back Last To Know, a wonderful Just Getting By, all topped off with Driving With The Brakes On.

Absolutely glorious stuff to send a full house singing out of the door into the cold night air.

>> The next Tae Sup Wi’ A Fifer is at the Adam Smith Theatre on Saturday, November 17. It features Roddy Wooble, Archie Fisher and Ora Colgan. Ticket info HERE